HISTORY of Ulladulla Men's Shed

The idea of establishing a local shed arose in early 2003. Barrie Wilford had been a member of Milton Ulladulla Apex Club many years before, and realised how successfully men socialised when working together as volunteers. Before leaving on a long sailing holiday, he read an article about a men’s shed on the North Coast.  Beginning a local shed remained just an idea until late the next year when he and Bob Larson met in Mollymook and they agreed to proceed with the concept.

There were very few sheds around at the time and a number of visits were made to see how men’s sheds operated. An initial approach was made to the Milton Ulladulla Baptist Church for the use of some land in late 2004. In October 2005, three men attended the first Men’s Shed conference at Lakes Entrance, and were greatly inspired. 

Early in 2006 a Steering Committee was established, and Ulladulla Men’s Shed commenced community projects locally, but without any premises. Meanwhile plans were being drawn up for our original building. 

Living in a relatively low-income area at that time, two things helped greatly to achieve all the excellent facilities we now have. The Steering Committee believed that a men’s shed should be entitled to endorsement as a health promotion charity, so that donors would be entitled to a tax deduction. We were advised not to bother. After three unsuccessful applications we received endorsement from the ATO on protest. We were the first men’s shed in Australia to gain this benefit. This assisted our fund-raisers over the years to secure the grants needed for these facilities. 

We are also exceedingly grateful to Milton Ulladulla Baptist Church who gave us the use of their land, rent-free for our facilities. We could not afford to follow the true principles of a men’s shed and pay high local rentals. 

After a long and bitter struggle our building application was approved. Building One was built by our members, with help from several tradesmen from the local community, some of whom dropped in to offer their assistance after hearing of community protests. It was opened by Pastor Bill Taplan in February 2009, by cutting though a piece of old timber with a handsaw. 

When the Australian Men’s Shed Association was formed in 2007, we became affiliated and were registered as shed number 58. In 2011 it became obvious that we would need to incorporate, and Brian Powe, our Secretary at the time led us through that process.


By May 2011, membership increased considerably and we all realised much more space was needed. By May 2011, two and a half years since occupying our shed building, more space was needed. Active membership had increased, and we needed to widen our range of activities. A building committee was established to look at solutions. Sketch plans were prepared. Milton Ulladulla Baptist Church allowed us a block on the North side of the shed. Mr Andrew Bell drew up plans of the chosen design and the DA was approved in 2014. Our Local State Member, Mrs Shelley Hancock turned the ceremonial first sod on 20 June, 2015. John Forbes was appointed as Building Supervisor. Using contract and voluntary labour, we reached “lockup stage” at the end of 2017. Then the enormous task of fitting out commenced. Brian Powe became the Fundraising Committee Leader. Money was raised through grants, Bunnings Barbecues, trivia and nine-pin bowling nights, sale copies of “The Twelve O’clock Whistle”, a long-

distance walk, member donations and gifts in kind. Following Covid-19 delays in 2020, a determined effort brought the project to completion in

October. Building Two was opened by our local State Member, Shelley Hancock We thank those who gave so generously, and to John Forbes and his team for their outstanding
